正面吊Makrolon® AR玻璃说明书 | 耐磨实心聚碳酸酯板

Product Data Sheet, October 2004

Makrolon® AR

Abrasion-resistant solid polycarbonate sheet.

Your benefits:

  • • extreme impact strength
  • • good abrasion resistance
  • • excellent weathering resistance
  • • high clarity

Makrolon® AR sheet is an abrasion and enhanced UV resistant polycarbonate sheet that offers glasslike hardness coupled with the impact strength of standard polycarbonate. Additionally, Makrolon® AR offers on both surfaces enhanced resistance against yellowing and hazing for an extended service life in high profile architectural glazing. Makrolon® AR has a 10-years warranty against breakage and 5-years warranty against delamination and weathering.


Typical applications for Makrolon® AR sheet include transparent sound barriers, school and hospital shelter glazing. Makrolon® AR is also used extensively in correctional and psychiatric facilities. Additionally, the product performs well for view windows and machine guards in harsh chemical environments. Due to its scratch-resistant coating, Makrolon® AR cannot be formed like other Makrolon® sheets.

Test Conditions Typical Values Unit Test Method
Density 1.20 g/cm3 ISO 1183-1
Moisture absorption after storage in standard climate 23 °C/50 % RH 0.15 % ISO 62-4
after storage in water at 23 °C until saturation 0.35 % ISO 62-1
Refractive index 20 °C 1.586 ISO 489
Tensile stress at yield › 60 MPa ISO 527-2/1B/50
Elongation at yield 6 % ISO 527-2/1B/50
Tensile strength › 60 MPa ISO 527-2/1B/50
Elongation at break › 70 % ISO 527-2/1B/50
Tensile modulus of elasticity 2400 MPa ISO 527-2/ 1B/1
Limiting flexural stress ca. 90 MPa ISO 178
Impact strength Charpy, unnotched no break kJ/m2 ISO 179/1fU
Charpy, notched ca. 11 kJ/m2 ISO 179/1eA
Izod, notched ca. 10 kJ/m2 ISO 180/1A
Izod, notched 1) ca. 70 kJ/m2 ISO 180/4A
Taber abrasion resistance ∆ haze after 100 cycles (500 g CS 10F) 1 – 4 % ASTM D1044 &
after 500 cycles 4 – 9 % ANSI Z26.1
Vicat softening temperature Method B50 148 °C ISO 306
Thermal conductivity 0.2 W/m °C DIN 52612
Coeff. of linear thermal expansion 0.065 mm/m °C DIN 53752-A
Heat deflection temperature under load Method A: 1.80 MPa 127 °C ISO 75-2
Method B: 0.45 MPa 139 °C ISO 75-2

The mechanical properties were measured on sheets of 4 mm or 3 mm1) thickness.

Product Liability Clause: This information and our technical advice – whether verbal, in writing or by way of trials – are given in good faith but without warranty, and this also applies where proprietary rights of third parties are involved. Our advice does not release you from the obligation to verify the information currently provided – especially that contained in our safety data and technical information sheets – and to test products as to their suitability for the intended processes and uses. The application, use and processing of our products and the products manufactured by you on the basis of our technical advice are beyond our control and, therefore, entirely your own responsibility. Our products are sold in accordance with the current version of our General Conditions of Sale and Delivery.

Makrolon® is a registered trademark of Bayer AG

MF 0008 e

Product Data Sheet, October 2004

Makrolon® AR

Abrasion-resistant solid polycarbonate sheet.

Light Transmission:

Test Method according to DIN 5036

The stated thicknesses are not all available as standard. Please ask us for more information. The stated values are typical values only.

Light transmission in % 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15
Makrolon® AR clear 8099 88 87 87 86 85 83 82 80
Makrolon® AR bronze 8850 50 40 33 28 20

Available sizes:

Makrolon® AR is available in thicknesses of 3 – 15 mm and in the following sizes; other sizes, colors and sheet thicknesses on request.

Colors:                         Sizes:

Makrolon® AR clear 8099         3,000 x 2,000 mm

Makrolon® AR bronze 8850       3,000 x 2,000 mm

Fire Rating (*)

Oxygen index (LOI) 28%, ISO 4589-2 Method A

Country Standard Rating Thickness Color
Germany DIN 4102 B 2 3-12 mm clear 8099

(*) fire certificates are limited in time, always check if the mentioned certificate is still valid

Bayer Sheet Europe GmbH

Otto-Hesse-Straße 19/T9, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Tel. +49 6151 13 03-0

Fax +49 6151 13 03-500 www.bayersheeteurope.com sales@bayersheeteurope.com


产品数据表,2004 年 10 月

模克隆®  AR



  • • 极端的冲击强度
  • • 良好的耐磨性
  • • 优异的耐候性
  • • 高清晰度

Makrolon ®  AR 板材是一种耐磨和增强的抗紫外线聚碳酸酯板材,具有玻璃般的硬度以及标准聚碳酸酯的冲击强度。此外, 模克隆®  AR 在两个表面上都具有增强的抗黄变和防雾性能,可延长高轮廓建筑玻璃的使用寿命。 Makrolon ®  AR 提供 10 年的破损保修和 5 年的分层和风化保修。


Makrolon ®  AR 板材的典型应用 包括透明隔音屏障、学校和医院庇护所玻璃。 Makrolon ®  AR 还广泛用于惩教和精神病院。此外,该产品在恶劣的化学环境中也能很好地用于视窗和机器防护装置。由于其防刮涂层, 模克隆®  AR 不能像其他 模克隆® 板材一样成型。

测试条件 典型值 单元 测试方法
密度 1.20 克/厘米3 ISO 1183-1
吸湿性 在标准气候 23 °C/50 % RH 下储存后 0.15 % ISO 62-4
在 23 °C 的水中储存至饱和后 0.35 % ISO 62-1
折射率 20°C 1.586 ISO 489
屈服拉伸应力 › 60 兆帕 ISO 527-2/1B/50
屈服伸长率 6 % ISO 527-2/1B/50
抗拉强度 › 60 兆帕 ISO 527-2/1B/50
断裂伸长率 › 70 % ISO 527-2/1B/50
拉伸弹性模量 2400 兆帕 ISO 527-2/ 1B/1
限制弯曲应力 约 90 兆帕 ISO 178
冲击强度 夏比,无缺口 没有休息 千焦/米2 ISO 179/1fU
夏比,缺口 约 11 千焦/米2 ISO 179/1eA
伊佐德,缺口 约 10 千焦/米2 ISO 180/1A
伊佐德,缺口 1) 约 70 千焦/米2 ISO 180/4A
泰伯耐磨性 ∆ 100 次循环后的雾度 (500 g CS 10F) 1 – 4 % ASTM D1044 &
500 次循环后 4 – 9 % ANSI Z26.1
维卡软化温度 方法 B50 148 °C ISO 306
导热系数 0.2 W/m °C DIN 52612
科夫。线性热膨胀 0.065 毫米/米°C DIN 53752-A
负载下的热变形温度 方法A:1.80 MPa 127 °C ISO 75-2
方法B:0.45 MPa 139 °C ISO 75-2

机械性能是在 4 mm 或 3 mm 1) 厚度的片材上测量的。

产品责任条款: 本信息和我们的技术建议(无论是口头、书面还是通过试验)均出于善意但不提供任何保证,这也适用于涉及第三方所有权的情况。我们的建议并不免除您验证当前提供的信息(尤其是我们的安全数据和技术信息表中包含的信息)以及测试产品是否适用于预期过程和用途的义务。我们的产品以及您根据我们的技术建议制造的产品的应用、使用和加工超出我们的控制范围,因此完全由您自己负责。我们的产品按照我们当前版本的一般销售和交付条件进行销售。

Makrolon ® 是拜耳公司的注册商标

MF 0008 e

产品数据表,2004 年 10 月

模克隆®  AR



符合 DIN 5036 的测试方法


透光率 % 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15
模克隆®  AR 透明 8099 88 87 87 86 85 83 82 80
模克隆®  AR 青铜 8850 50 40 33 28 20


Makrolon ®  AR 有 3 – 15 mm 的厚度和以下尺寸可供选择;可根据要求提供其他尺寸、颜色和板材厚度。

颜色: 尺寸:

模克隆®  AR 透明 8099 3,000 x 2,000 毫米

模克隆®  AR 青铜 8850 3,000 x 2,000 毫米

防火等级 (*)

氧指数 (LOI) 28%,ISO 4589-2 方法 A

国家 标准 评分 厚度 颜色
德国 DIN 4102 乙二 3-12 毫米 清除 8099

(*) 消防证书有时间限制,请经常检查提到的证书是否仍然有效


Otto-Hesse-Straße 19/T9, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany 电话。+49 6151 13 03-0

传真 +49 6151 13 03-500  www.bayersheeteurope.com sales@bayersheeteurope.com 



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